R. Kelly Trial: Girl Brought Overnight Bag
Only in the second week of the R. Kelly child pornography trial, the years of dirty-dealings are finally stacking up against Kells. And at this point, the question is not whether Robert is going to jail but only for how long….
The young girl who allegedly appears in a sex video with R. Kelly visited the R&B star’s recording studio regularly, did her homework there and once brought an overnight bag, Kelly’s former personal assistant testified Tuesday.
Lindsey Perryman, now a recording company executive, said she met the girl at Chicago Trax Recording Studio one night in 1999 as the girl arrived with her parents and brother.
“She had a pillow and an overnight bag with her,” Perryman said. The girl “would come there after school and do her homework,” Perryman said.
The girl, born in 1984, would have been 14 for most of 1999. Prosecutors contend the tape was made between 1998 and 2000.
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