The E-Biz
“The E-Biz” blogspot by LaShonda is an online entertainment news source with an urban/pop sensibility. “The E-Biz” draws a loyal following of young and influential trend setters who are up to date with what’s hot in society. “The E-Biz” delivers daily updated content and has developed a strong reputation, with numerous mentions by WPWX Power 92, WBBM-FM B-96, NBC5.com Chicago, Bossip.com, D-Listed.com, Concrete Loop.com, Sandrarose.com, JustJared.com, All Hip-Hop.com, NecoleBitchie.com, SOHH and other major media outlets.
Delivering the most up to the minute celebrity news from her home base in downtown Chicago, LaShonda has become the city’s new “IT” girl for everything HOT.
Born in Memphis, TN, LaShonda got her start as a news anchor in Memphis, where she dished about politics, trends in entertainment, fashion, beauty, and travel. In 2000 she worked at Circle House Recording studios as Assistant Manager working with celebrities such as Jay-Z, Mariah Carey, Sean Combs and numerous others. Afterwards LaShonda moved to New York, and worked as a Publicist for Angelo Elerbee of Double Xxposure, representing high profile celebrities such as Dionne Warwick and rapper DMX.
LaShonda has received placements for clients in USA Today, Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun-Times, Chicago “Red-Eye”, Playboy Magazine, Jet Magazine, Ebony Magazine, NV Magazine and Metromix.com.